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Claire Wong
Jul 10, 20241 min read
How to be alive | poem
I think sometimes of the teacher who tried to insist scribbling poems was a waste of talent when I had potential to be a scientist
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Claire Wong
Feb 5, 20241 min read
It's not just you | poem
Other people find this hard too Other people spill their coffee before the first bleary-eyed sip and believe they’re unusually clumsy...
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Claire Wong
Nov 1, 20201 min read
Hope and grief: the outrageous rebellion | poem
I'd like to encourage you to do something simple today that brings you joy. Bake a crumble. Find a bright yellow leaf and hold it up to...
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Claire Wong
May 12, 20201 min read
As You Wash Your Hands | a poem for the pandemic
As you wash your hands, may God wash away your fear. As you do what you can, not just for your own sake, but to protect family, friends...
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